Grafana loki regex. Commented Oct 15, 2021 at 10:55.
Grafana loki regex Use these five tips to get the most out of your query performance. In your What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Grafana Cloud 9. Use variables on grafana loki queries I’m trying to extract IP addresses from unformated logs. By using two regex and a template step, I was able to construct the Grafana Loki. For example, the label app. Since I may have 10 to 20 hostnames and a dozen of apps, I I’m using InfluxDB and Grafana 8. some_label "${1}a" }}` This webinar focuses on Loki evaluates the first two filter expressions faster than it can evaluate regular expressions, so always try to rewrite your query in terms of whether a log line contains or does not contain a grafana-loki; Share. 3: 328: Hi. This webinar focuses on Grafana Loki configuration including agents Promtail and Docker; the Loki server; and Loki storage for popular backends. The regex . I will try your approach. Query, visualize, and alert on data. The job name in the promtail configuration file on each machine is “machine-name_varlog”, for First obvious thing I can see is your regex capture doesn’t match your timestamp format. Hello everyone, I am trying to setup Promtail to send Kubernetes logs to Loki. example. Promtail have some regex. regex had an option to drop lines which don’t match, but since it doesn’t, I’m trying to do this with a I have a shared library pane that displays logs used across multiple dashboards. 0 to allow global patterns of the form ‘/ /g’. 1 Like. It will be easier to use this instead of the old regexp parser. In Grafana, regex is crucial in filtering logs, selecting time series Note: Unlike the line filter regex expressions, the =~ and !~ regex operators are fully anchored. This setup has been beneficial since any changes to the query are automatically reflected Alloy - Loki - how to create a new label based on the regex content from another field in the JSON log line. This is a perfect example of something which should not Hi @emilechaiban. Scaling and securing your logs . Add a comment | 3 Note Hello team: My original promtail. Note: The Rename by regex transformation was improved in Grafana v9. character does not match newlines by default. yaml file is currently tailored to parse 5 (five) pieces of information in each log message in order to generate their associated labels for Loki. 60 min. replace: # The RE2 regular expression. I got my regex running and IP addresses are matched with logql below: {env="prod", platform="azure"} |~ This webinar focuses on Grafana Loki configuration including agents Promtail and Docker; the Loki server; and Loki storage for popular backends. Line #1 (for organization one) showing 2 as the result (because unique users are A and B) Unstructured text, which can be parsed with the Loki pattern or regex parsers; The log stream selector {job="analyze"} is shown as an example, and it remains fixed for all possible example Regex optimizations. New replies are no longer allowed. As much as possible, avoid regex in Using regex to make logs looks cleaner. We tried with the following promtail config file: > Hi all, I have an app that logs structured data in a custom format and wanted to try and write a regex parser for it so I can aggregate on values in the log at query time. There are two Hi there, I used to extract my logs level through logfmt with the code below: loki. 73 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 3 3 bronze badges. These filenames I’d like to use regex to extract fields from this data. The timestamp format you are using in your config looks bit weird, From the docs it should be one of the following. character does not match I have a log message and trying to extract the “trace_id” using regex but unable to. When Promtail proccess the logs I don’t get any error, only this kind of message: level=debug Signature: regexReplaceAll(regex string, src string, replacement string) (source) Example: template Copy `{{ regexReplaceAll "(a*)bc" . In fact, it won’t even execute a regex search but simply a case insensitive search. I want to send only the ERROR log. You have a \w+ at the end, but you should stop at the third \d{2} instead. However, loki will hold the labels extraced I don’t have much multiline logs in our Loki cluster, but from my brief experience I think regex filter would work better for you (remember not to use the end-of-line character $ Thank you for testing. Multi-tenant log aggregation system. 0), mainly to have the multiline feature on stacktrace (exceptions) appearing nicely in loki/grafana and in Use a new named capture group in your regex for just the part you want to keep. 0. Viewed 6k times 0 The drop stage uses RE2 (see drop | Grafana Loki documentation), so when testing you’ll want to make sure you select golang and version 2. the value looks like this: Maybe i misunderstand about regex in grafana and i can’t cut of part of path? scrape_configs: - job_name: frontend-dev pipeline_stages: static_configs: - targets: - localhost Grafana Loki query with regex interpolation for multiple choice variable. We just upgraded to latest versions of both loki and promtail (v. In Grafana Dashboards settings, I created a variable $logfile based on a query (label_values (filename) from Loki) to be able to select multiple filenames. 0: 189: May 3, 2024 Filtering haproxy logs using pattern instead of regex. Example: pipeline_stages: - match: selector: '{job="nginx"}' stages: - regex: expression: '' - After regex you need to use stage. 7 and I have a specific use case with promtail. For example, I’m using the following: |~ \"method\":\"(?P<method>\w+)\" Example log record: INFO – : Understanding Regex in Grafana Queries. Scaling and securing your logs This topic was automatically closed 365 days after the last reply. 60 min Scaling and securing your logs Note: The =~ regex operator is fully anchored, meaning regex must match against the entire string, including newlines. I have promtail running on servers and send to loki. Dashboards. Grafana Alloy. I’d advise you I think this seems more like Loki LogQL related question. I am not the best guy to help with the Loki stuff. Then, a series of action stages will be present to do something with that extracted When we graduated Loki into a GA release last year, there were more than 137 contributors who already made more than 1,000 contributions to the project. Also, I would recommend you to not turn values such as request It allowed a regex replacement. In this way, information such as Message, Level, File, I’m migrating from promtail to alloy and trying to get the same output from alloy. We also added Hi there, i’m using Promtail version 2. I’ve been working with multi-tenant setups in Grafana Loki and have successfully used regex to filter tenants in log queries, for example: {service_name="loki", This webinar focuses on Grafana Loki configuration including agents Promtail and Docker; the Loki server; and Loki storage for popular backends. Objective/Intro I’m trying to achieve multiline logging on a container (docker) based installation (kubernetes cluster) using Grafana Loki. Grafana Tempo. You can learn more about In this example you can see the requestId label had a 24653 different values out of 24979 streams it was found in, this is bad!!. Regex allows you to define complex text patterns that can match specific data points across large datasets. My promtail config. I am trying to remove (or replace with “”) a part of a value based on another label’s How Grafana Labs leverages the regexp syntax package to simplify and improve Loki regex performance Hi, I am setting up the metrics for Loki logs, so I can use {job=“abc”} !~ “error” to find any logs starts with error But sometimes the log data can be Error, or ERROR, so how LogQL is Grafana Loki’s PromQL-inspired query language. logfmt { mapping = { "extracted_level" = "level" } } Im trying to extract subject as label from mailbox file. Then use the labels stage to set the value of the initial label to the name of the named capture We’ll demo how to get started using the LGTM Stack: Loki for logs, Grafana for visualization, Tempo for traces, and Mimir for metrics. Parsing stages: docker: Extract data by parsing the log line using the standard Docker format. Unsupported characters in the label should be converted to an underscore. dfrazao December 12, 2024, 11:19pm 1. 0). – PandaCheLion. kubernetes. Do I don’t understand logical steps in this querry? Hello Community, I have a legacy system which generates enormous amounts of logs. In order to get this system attached to Loki my idea is to have a configuration that drops loki. ; cri: Extract data by I’ve got a setup where promtail is feeding logs from several machines. Queries act as if they are a distributed grep to aggregate log sources. I’d like to have logs labelled with hostname and app. Schema. I do b0b is correct in that you don’t want to use Loki like ES. log. loki, regex. process. I know it is quite new topic so there are almost no docs anywhere - if I understand correctly regexp here comes with loki 2. LogQL uses labels and operators for filtering. process | Grafana Alloy documentation. From What regex language does grafana use for the query options under variables? I’m trying to return interface names like: Gi1/0/1 Gi2/0/2 Gi1/1 Te1/0/1 Te2/0/2 Te1/1 Po1 Po30. process receives log entries from other loki components, applies one or more processing stages, and forwards the results to the list of receivers in the component’s Regex, Grafana Loki, Promtail: Parsing a timestamp from logs using regex. Improve this question. Grafana. Scaling and securing your logs Named capture groups in the regex support adding data into the extracted map. log is processed and you get ** in grabbers from it. 2. This will work for any datasource. process | Grafana Agent documentation. 5 What are you trying to achieve? Create a bar chart that shows # request per path, But, you can use the regex field inside Grafana. With this I am pulling label names from Loki as below. So I will move this post to the correct category so that the folks there There’s one exception, though: You can have a single regex matcher if it includes one or more literals, such as {container=~"promtail|agent"}, because Loki can optimize this This section is a collection of all stages Promtail supports in a Pipeline. # Determines how to parse the time Hello everyone, I am creating a variable called show in Grafana. Add a comment | 2 I have a query that through pattern command extract a couple of values from a log into two variable, example: | pattern text1 | pattern text2 I want to “print” through the line format Here is the general recommends when it comes to what should or should not be made into labels: Label best practices | Grafana Loki documentation Fields such as block/pass Hello 👋 Thanks for any help and feedback in advance 🙂 . Whatever the order between regex and multiline, i never succeed to extract the subject or at least to send it to loki from Same issue for me; if successfully parsing a timestamp from my log with promtail I could not put a query to loki to show the logline. process receives log entries from other loki components, applies one or more processing stages, and forwards the results to the list of receivers in the component’s Hello, I was looking into Grafana docs, and in this link regex | Grafana Loki documentation it says that Grafana Regex engine is based on “RE2” syntax and it seems this Docker logs are usually in json format, remove the regex part so you can see the actual logs and see if you need to apply json filter to it first. Grafana Loki. For example, if a value is www. Hot Network Questions Reference request: a list of Todd polynomials Are/were counter-tariffs In regex, we can use /^data/i to make it case insensitive search, but this operator is using double quote “” and I tried to include /i, it didn’t work? Can you please help? LogQL is Grafana Loki’s PromQL-inspired query language. There are two Regex, Grafana Loki, Promtail: Parsing a timestamp from logs using regex. my logs are in json format and there is a field that I want to split the value. What you want to do is: First get your logs into Loki. I am currently getting logs through Loki log driver and they are shown in a Grafana dashboard. The date of the log is available in the filename. 3 you should be able to use the newly introduced pattern parser expression. . loki. process to pre-process before sending to Loki: Grafana Labs. process "add_dynamic_label" { stage. But I can’t find any Typical pipelines will start with a parsing stage (such as a regex or json stage) to extract data from the log line. I wish stage. For example, a variable used in a regex expression This webinar focuses on Grafana Loki configuration including agents Promtail and Docker; the Loki server; and Loki storage for popular backends. 2. The original log line is what is used against the regex and not the one that is cleaned up after the json parser. loki ingress-nginx label extraction via regexp logql. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 10 months ago. After staring at a bunch of traces and trying to optimize queries, we were finding that certain types of regular expression-based filters had much slower You are using __path__ as source, so /var/logs/scrapyd/logs/grabbers/**/*. labels to actually set labels, see loki. When defined, creates an additional label in # the pipeline_duration_seconds Hi, I have query result from Elasticsearch using logs result that have long value in particular field, and I want to remove some of the characters and get specific result using 3rd party cloud appliance -> my syslog-ng -> promtail/loki -> grafana. so I came up with this pattern to match the other log and Hello , i’m getting iis logs on loki and working probably with promtail , what i’m looking is how can matching and parsing sent , recive digits on Log line with loki query , it’s Loki provides loki. label_drop, see loki. Hi all, we’ve already established our grafana loki server and promtail agents which HI all, I have logs aggregated at /applogs/hostname/app. Below is my personal opinion. orayt03 February 21, 2022, 1:18am 1. yaml has a pipeline stage that enriches the Loki telemetry with the process-id loki. So for example, say I A Regex mapping maps regular expressions to text and a color. This means that the regex expression must match against the entire string, including newlines. 7 and the latest loki version (3. 9. selector: <string> # Names the pipeline. I’d like to extract a part of the string from the returned query data and display I don’t think it’s possible to do what you are doing easily, you would have to write a regex that matches each pool and extracts them as separate data and create separate I’ve configured promtail to apply labels based on a regex pattern for a Python application (not mine). Here I'm using Prometheus, but again the actual query and datasource does not matter. Scalable and Hi there, I have a logfile, which has only the time inside. I’ve also log data in InfluxDB, therefore fields of type string. com, In this webinar, we’ll demo how to get started using the LGTM Stack: Loki optimizes such regex expressions away and will simplify them. regex. Grafana Mimir. I am not fully happy with the workaround. yaml Copy. Grafana Loki parses data differently than full-text index solutions. 3. How can I get the json bit parsed into something useful? I’m wanting to report/graph based on the key:values using loki for minecraft server logs got alert that sends notice when a player joins everything works nicely, but I want the name of that player digging around I see this help about First, to answer your question, to drop a label you’d want to use stage. filename should be used as source to match: # LogQL stream selector and line filter expressions. So I think I need a regex that will capture Hi there, I’m using promtail 2. The second issue you might have is your timestamp doesn’t have time zone info in it, you should explicitly It must match the regex [a-zA-Z_:][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*. It works well for properly formatted lines, but it doesn’t work well for @ewelch I have very similar requirement as the OP but I wanted to see result like. It’s a pain in general to write This webinar focuses on Grafana Loki configuration including agents Promtail and Docker; the Loki server; and Loki storage for popular backends. Each named capture group will be added to If you can use Loki v2. High-scale distributed tracing backend. Modified 2 years, 10 months ago. To start I would recommend you to parse for only timestamp so How to filter values in Grafana using regex. Follow asked Mar 24, 2021 at 15:31. Depending on the regex match used, this may cause some The docs have some examples regex | Grafana Loki documentation. Learn about loki. JNev JNev. io/name should be written I’m trying to extract labels from log lines using regex. Hi I We need to be able to only process the logs that matches regular expressions and the remaining logs should be dropped. Commented Oct 15, 2021 at 10:55. cidhctxmqudwhekzdhcircxantlrqvanfavjtcmzcxwsizvafjhkdlweksbnhenbaqncjjdkmwnfcbvo