Gungeon ant Grants immunity to fire. With this item, most bullets will turn gold in appearance. It's an ant, and you shoot from it's butt. Each. Backdraft - Si le joueur a aussi l'Armor of Thorns, toucher les ennemis leur applique un effet de brulure. Cryptic Cryptids - If the player has Fossilized Gun, Phoenix shots pierce, deal double damage, and leave trails of fire. Cursed enemies (and their attacks) are referred to as "Jammed", and take on a glowing red and black color. Unlocks Witch Com4nd0 is a gun that fires homing rockets. It's amazingly destructive with high mag size, ammo and rate of fire for a rocket launcher. Serious Cannon: Makes the Corsair sail black and it shoots out mini cannonballs just like the Serious Cannon at the same time as the normal Corsair rounds. com/app/311690/Enter_the_Gungeon/I'm revisiting Gungeon because it's a great game and has had approxim gungeon ant is a gun. Money, Cash, Woes Exited The Gungeon As The Convict. Banana Here is a list of all the Enter The Gungeon item IDs 0: Magic Lamp 1: Winchester 2: Thompson Sub-Machinegun 3: Screecher 4: Sticky Crossbow 5: AWP 6: Zorgun 7: Barrel 8: Bow 9: Dueling Pistol 176: Gungeon Ant 177: Alien Engine 178: Crestfaller 179: Proton Backpack 180: Grasschopper 181: Winchester Rifle 182: Grey Mauser Professor Goopton is an NPC that can be rescued from a cell in the Gungeon Proper or the Oubliette. Great Queen Ant (Gungeon Ant + Gilded Bullets, Coin Crown, Heck Blaster, Crown of Guns, or Ring of Fire Resistance) Arguable the grossest synergy on this list, the Great Queen Ant gets 2nd place for how powerful this 13 votes, 22 comments. This unwieldy crown signifies sovreignty over bullets. Resplendent - If the player has Lower Case r, it spells out CASH, COINS, SHELLS, and GOLD. Jammed enemies start appearing Synergies ETG. Today we get one of the new synergies in the Advanced Gungeons and Draguns update, the Great Queen Ant Synergy featuring Gungeon Ant and Heckblaster!Join my Shrines are statues that the player can interact with to (sometimes) sacrifice something and receive something in return. Yesterday's Discussion : Directional Pad Today's Discussion : Gungeon Ant Tomorrow's Discussion : Chicken Flute Gungeon Ant Like others have said, it's a synergy. Prior to v1. com/uidseaHumble Bundle! htt When you're traversing the depths of the Gungeon, you can't afford to be picky about your weaponry. Curse is not tracked separately for each character if playing in co-op. Best. If it fits in one hand and launches some manner of a projectile, you can call it a gun, no exceptions. The Powerhouse of the Cell - If the Gungeon Ant = Inconsistent Scale; Holding Gungeon Ant creates a Bee Hive orbital that shoots bees Share Sort by: Best. Dodge rolling leaves a trail of poison goop. Next Discussion: Thunderclap. Summons a wolf companion who chases and bites enemies, dealing 5 damage per bite. r/riskofrain. Does not work on bosses. Open comment sort options. This limit can be worked around by Unity is a passive item. The Red Hood - If the player has Huntsman, while Huntsman is held, the Wolf's attacks will significantly weaken enemies. Members Online. Backdraft - If the player has Armor of Thorns, touching enemies sets them on fire. While her subjects can barely be fired, the Queen knows how to convert herself into Gungeon Ant: Queen Gungeon Ant. Curse is increased by 1 while this gun is held. Weird. Filled with equal parts courage and desperation, these adventurers won't hesitate to do what it takes to succeed. Donne une immunité au feu. This effect happens more frequently the more Spice is used. Old. Alas, Sniperion - If the player also has Crescent Crossbow, Crown of Guns becomes Got the Heck Blaster from a boss, next boss gave me the Gungeon Ant. Heroine will automatically revert to its original form after 30 seconds. 2. All goop besides oil can be used to put out fuses on chests and the fireplace in the Keep of the Lead Lord. . y Magic Sweet is a passive item. Taking damage spawns bees that seek out and damage enemies. Known Synergies: 38 Special = Detective Magnum; Double Blasters 3. 3, the Dice Shrine's Crown of Guns is a gun that rapidly fires bullets in all directions. Obtainable through the Beholster shrine, Related Enter the Gungeon Bullet hell Dungeon crawler Roguelike Shoot 'em up Shooter game Role-playing video game Gaming forward back. Share Sort by: Best. The synergy is called Great Queen Ant. It is a 6-round revolver that deals decent damage with a high fire rate. Detective Magnum - If the player also has 38 Special, the guns are dual-wielded. #5. Controversial. Gungeon Ant = Great Queen Ant; The Ant becomes a queen that shoots rocket ants Cloranthy Ring = Hot Rolls; Dodge rolls create a trail of fire Red Guon Stone = Redder Guon Stone; Red Guon Stone becomes larger and grants a Macho Brace boost every time it blocks a bullet The Black Market is an area in the Gungeon, the entrance to which may rarely generate on any floor except the Resourceful Rat's Lair, the R&G Dept, and Bullet Hell. It has a chance to poison enemies, and it leaves poisonous goop on the floor whenever it hits an enemy or wall. do/uidseaWant to support uidsea?Tad! Support me for free! http://givetad. Poxcannon Tier: C Magnum is a gun. Great Queen Ant - If the player has Gungeon Ant. Per page: 15 30 50. Charmed Bow is a gun that fires arrows which have a chance to charm enemies. Effects. Setting a whole room on fire can be useful, but it's useless if you find flying enemies (which are common in rather chambers) or enemies that can't be lit on fire, like the skeleton bullets (the same). The entrance to the Black Market takes the form of a large Enter the Gungeon cheat sheet wiki - A quick reference guide for checking descriptions about every single gun and item in the game. Their damage is increased by 20% and spread is increased by 60%, decreasing accuracy. In Enter the Gungeon, before unlocking him, he can appear after destroying chests and has a 20% chance to replace regular Junk in any mode. “Alternates between oily bursts and fiery blasts! When the great Bullet fell from the sky, not even the earth beneath the Gungeon was spared. Increases damage based on the other guns the player has. Gungeon Ant is a gun that alternates between firing spreads of bullets that leave behind oil and ones that burn enemies and ignite oil upon reloading. Decreases shot spread by 25%. Members Online • I prefer items it usually gives me the gungeon ant or whatever that bullshit is 😂 Reply reply ArsonGamer Phoenix is a gun. After purchasing something from his shop in the Gungeon, he will also move to The Breach, where new goop-themed items and guns can GUNGEON ANT Reply reply More replies More replies. Notes Related Enter the Gungeon Bullet hell Dungeon crawler Roguelike Shoot 'em up Shooter game Role-playing video game Gaming forward back. D-Rank Active Introduced in 1. In Exit the Gungeon, he is Plunger is a gun that fires a stream of poison. 进房间前使用,敌人不会发现你。开枪、翻滚、掀桌、传送会退出纸盒状态。 激活时射击会造成双倍伤害; 对 boss 无效 Heroine is a gun that has 3 levels of damage depending on how long the gun has been charged. I genuinely feel really bad for cultist, I mean, what did he do to be the "player 2"? In l gungeon games/spin-offs he's either forgotten or abused. Is Potion of Lead Skin extremely good? Does it not matter it's relatively lacking in synergy? Is it stupidly powerful for its rank? Discuss! Wiki link. Discussions Rules and Guidelines A variety of liquids, known as Goop, can be found in the Gungeon. The player is immune to fire while either Phoenix or Fossilized Gun are equipped. Reloading swings the axe, destroying bullets and knocking back enemies in a short range. Hot Rolls - Si le joueur a aussi la Cloranthy Ring, faire une roulade laisse une trainée de feu. If Coin Crown triggers, it will spawn a 5 shell on top of the player. Klobbering Time - If the player also has AU Gun or Moonscraper, the Klobbe is doubled and fires two shots at a time. But specifically, it's a synergy between gungeon ant and Heck Blaster. Jammed enemies pose a greater threat than normal enemies, but also offer greater rewards. Cerebral Bros - If the player also has Bullet Bore, Bullet Bore turns red and fires two drills at a time. Setting a whole room on fire can be useful, but it's useless if Cormorant, the Aimless Knight. Example: in Enter The Gungeon, NPCS will refuse to talk to cultist due to him not being the main character. ; King Bomber - If the player also has Lil' Bomber, its bombs become gold and spawn 0-7 upon hitting an enemy. Once rescued from a cell using a purchased Rat Key, Goopton will appear at random in NPC rooms in the main shop, operating his own storefront of goo themed items at a 33. Reload Roll - If the player also has Easy Reload Bullets, dodge rolling reloads six bullets. ; Item Interactions. ”,原意是戴上王冠,就要承担他的重量,肩负他的责任。 Notes. ; Great Queen Ant - If the player has Gungeon Ant, it turns into an ant queen that fires rocket ants. Jumping Is Useless - If the player also has Quad Laser, four Moonscraper laser beams shoot from each side of Quad Laser's bullets. this gun especially works well with the Black Hole Gun by shooting the Black Hole Gun at an enemy and then shooting the Crown of Guns. Sources of goop include items, guns, objects, and enemies. Cactus Flower - If the player has Broccoli or Orange, Cactus has a chance to fire a prickly pear that bounces off walls and fires needles in all directions. Prior to the Supply Drop Update, the Dice Shrine's Limited effect decreased maximum ammo by 50% instead of 30%. Hyper Beam - If the player has Pig, when Pig dies, Heroine's ammo is fully refilled and it temporarily switches to Hyper Beam mode, where uncharged shots deal 80 damage and charged shots deal 160 damage. Corsair. Gungeon Ant is a gun that alternates between firing spreads of bullets that leave behind oil and ones that burn enemies and ignite oil upon reloading. Reply The Gungeon Ant, as a species, are capable of being fired as a gun, yes, but they, as most expendable minions are, are weak, inconsistent, and undesirable. Adds a Inconsistent Scale - If the player has Gungeon Ant, while it is held, a beehive orbits the player and spawns bees. Shrines can be indicated before entering due to the presence of a green lantern by the door. Antichamber - If the player has Dark Marker, it alternates between firing red and blue shots that become very slow and large after traveling a short distance. Gungeon Ant Tier: C How to Unlock: Unlocked from the start. Gungeon Ant = Great Queen Ant; Gungeon Ant becomes a queen that fires rocket ants Lil' Bomber = King Bomber; Lil' Bomber gets a kingly visage, and fires golden bombs that, upon hitting an enemy, release a decent amount of shell currency. Insight - If the player also has Trick Gun, a creature that resembles the Interdimensional Horror appears at entrances to secret rooms, revealing their location. Crestfaller Antibody is a passive item. The Gundead spend much of their time polishing and greasing "guns", though they conspicuously leave the Magnum alone. In additional to its standard [Bridge 2] You'd better run Gimme the gun You'd better run Gimme the gun Go the jaws of the shot Get the keys to the lock And what I got [Verse 3] The Tangler, the Beretta, Shotgun full of hate 组合名引用自西方谚语“Heavy is the head who wears the crown. Behold! - If the player also has Eye of the Beholster, M1911, Void Marshal, Machine Pistol, and Trank Gun (the weapons the Beholster uses in game), when the Eye of the Beholster is held, the other five guns rotate around the player and shoot at nearby enemies, still using up ammo from each gun. Super Serum - If the player also has Hazmat Suit or the Gas Mask, the Plunger's ammo capacity is increased by 50%, its # Format: # ID NAME # # Do not edit this file unless you know what you're doing # (and have prepared a way to migrate save files using these IDs) 0 magic_lamp 1 winchester 2 thompson 3 screecher 4 sticky_crossbow 5 awp 6 zorgun 7 barrel 8 bow 9 dueling_pistol 10 mega_douser 12 crossbow 13 thunderclap 14 bee_hive 15 ak47 16 yari_launcher 17 heck Exited The Gungeon As The Pilot. com/channel/UCgVMRP6qMW6Iaskl0gq25tg?sub Effects. Rusty Casing: Picking up consumables also gives you cash: Keys & Ammo = 6 Casings Rat Keys = 10 Casings Blanks & Half Hearts = 4 Casings Full hearts & Armour = 8 Casings. The Great Queen Ant synergy is formed when you combine the Gungeon Ant with Coin Crown, Crown of Guns, Gilded Bullets, Heck Blaster, or Ring of Fire Resistance. 333% discount. Add a Comment. Professor Gooptons dialogue is still displayed in Gleepglorpenese in Exit the Gungeon, however the lack of the Sponge item in Exit the Gungeon means that the only L'Anneau de résistance au feu est un objet passif. Once you reload (thus flipping the gun around) this behavior goes away and you will be shooting flames out both ends or fuel out both ends An unofficial home for Enter the Gungeon fans on Reddit. To reveal any more about the game's numerous and Wolf is a passive item. Add a Comment It's an ant, and you shoot from it's butt. Iron Stance - If the Professor Goopton is an NPC that can be rescued from a cell in the Gungeon Proper. After unlocking him, he can be found as a regular item, and has a 1% chance of replacing regular Junk (or 0% in Rainbow Mode). For me, this is one of the coolest synergies as the Gungeon Ant becomes a queen ant and proceeds to fire rocket ants Banana is a gun that fires an explosive banana that sends out three more bouncing explosive bananas. Not affiliated with Dodge Roll or Devolver Digital. Alas, Sniperion - If the player also has Crescent Crossbow, Crown of Guns becomes Sailor Moon's tiara and shoots crescent shaped bullets that do more damage. Date Posted: Aug 4, 2018 @ 8:27pm. Sausage and Pepper - If the player also has Gungeon Pepper, its range will be increased. Reloading alternates between firing spreads of bullets that leave behind oil Helix Bullets+Gungeon Ant+Crown of Guns For some reason having Helix Bullets increase the projectile speed of the "Great Queen Ant" synergy gun by about 200% < >-< >-Enter the Gungeon > Technical Issues > Topic Details. Case in point, there are several weapons utilized by the Gungeoneers that are insect-based, including the fire-spewing Gungeon Ant, the Stinger - a missile launcher that Spice is an active item with a unique mechanic: after being found and used once, Spice will start replacing weapons, items, and pickups from chests, room drops, and shops. No Odd Job - If the player also has Makarov, the two guns are dual-wielded. Additionally, using Charm Horn fires a banana at each enemy it charms. ; Vegetables - If the player also has Broccoli, Cactus's damage is tripled, needle size is doubled, and needles pierce enemies Moonscraper is a gun which fires a continuous laser that bounces off of walls and obstacles. Wicked Sister - If the player also has Briefcase of Exit the Gungeon. Reloading while standing on any Goop (including its own) fully restores the gun's ammo. Is a rocket launcher now. “Extremely rapid fire. Klobbering Time The gungeon ant becoming "Queen Gungeon Ant" like Queen Slug-For-A-Butt was a cool reference, and the Flare Gun becoming "Solar Flare" at least made sense name-wise. Grants double damage until the player is hit. New. Subscribe if you enjoyed!: http://www. Mar 31, 2019 @ 2:21pm Ammoconda is a real pain unless you pick up one of the guns that melts them. Pinker Guon Stone - If the player has Pink Guon Stone, it grows in size, rotates at a fixed distance from the player while they are moving instead of on a slight delay, and Guns are the player's primary method of attacking enemies, and can be found by opening chests, defeating bosses, purchasing them from shops, or receiving them from NPCs. ; Blast Crown - If the player has Blast Helmet, Crown of Guns gains a chance to fire explosives. After being rescued, he will set up shops in the Gungeon, where he will sell goop-themed items and guns with a 20% price discount. Great Queen Ant (Gungeon Ant + Others) Great Queen Ant Synergy. Increases movement speed by 1. Sweetness and Light - If the player also has Magic Lamp, it fires three projectiles at a time. Soldier Of Fortune Exited The Gungeon As The Marine. its also a gun with a particular synergy. As a huge fan of Earthworm Jim growing up I couldn't be happier, got Gungeon Ant. The damage effect is lost if either player is hit in coop. The song ENTER THE GUNGEON on the Enter the Gungeon soundtrack references the Bee Hive by name in a list of guns. Jaon412 • I have also found shotgrub to be pretty legit with the synergies. All guns come in 5 "types": Automatic, which automatically fire bullets when holding down the shoot button and generally have large magazine sizes The Gungeon Ant is best used against crowds. After being rescued, he will set up shops in the Gungeon, where he will sell goop-themed items and guns. Adds 1 heart container. Increases damage by 15%. Subscribe! http://bit. Lost, Never Found - With Loose Change: The Rusty Casing will give more cash Icon Name Type Quote Quality Effect Cat Bullet King Throne: Passive A Cat Throne Shoots miniature bullets upon rolling and grants flight. Its bullets slightly curve towards enemies. The Gungeon Ant can actually be used in direct combat. Increases curse by 0. They go together and make the Ant a Great queen ant that shoots explosive ants now instead. A light blue arrow will appear above players for a short duration to show that a special combo has been activated. ; Queen of Hearts - If the player also has Heart Purse, touching Used by a wiggly hero in the early days of the Gungeon. The damage effect is NOT Gungeon Ant = Great Queen Ant; Gungeon Ant becomes a queen and shoots powerful rocket ants Lil Bomber = King Bomber ; Every King Bomber bomb that strikes an enemy produces shells Heart Purse = Queen of Hearts ; Allows you to automatically Vampire heart drops while at full health on contact, in exchange for efficiency It basically turns the gungeon ant into an insane boss killing rocket launcher with 100 ammo. See more The Gungeon Ant. Heals the player for one heart. After purchasing something Gungeon Ant = Great Queen Ant; Gungeon Ant becomes a queen that shoots rocket ants Lil' Bomber = King Bomber; Lil' Bomber becomes fancy, and every single Lil' Bomb that hits an enemy drops several Shells Lower Case r = Resplendent; C A S H C O I The Gungeoneers are the characters who explore The Gungeon. Coin Crown is a passive item in both Enter and Exit the Gungeon. Try practicing efficiency by using only 1 shot per "mode". It is an area hidden off of the main map containing multiple merchants and one of Winchester's shooting ranges, all operating with significant discounts. Top. Buggin' Out - If the player has Gungeon Ant, while it is held, Bug Boots spread oil instead of poison, and the player becomes immune to fire. Synergies ETG. planescaped. If any red and blue shots touch, the blank effect is activated. This synergy does not function if obtained through the Lich's Eye Bullets. Choose between one of several unlikely heroes, each burdened by a deep regret and in search of a way to change their regrettable past, no matter the cost. Hunter Exit Hunter Exited The Gungeon As The Hunter. ; Synergies ETG. Has a 10% chance to give 5 upon clearing a room without taking damage. Known Synergies: Lil' Bomber = King Bomber; Lil' Bomber gets a kingly visage, and fires Great Queen Ant - If the player has Gungeon Ant, it becomes a queen ant and fires rocket ants. Long story short I played all the way through the game twice, doing both secret levels, beating the rat (failed at punch-out though, I suck at that), and got all the 10 master rounds. I swear i laughed my ass of the first time i got it Gungeon Ant + Bug Boots makes you leave pools of oil instead of poison. Microtransaction Gun Tier: A How to Unlock: Purchased from Ox & Cadence for 100 Hegemony credits OR buy the proper EtG DLC for $1 USD. Q&A. 2% of the total damage of the player's non-equipped guns is added as flat damage to the player's currently equipped gun. youtube. Not only is is weak sauce, it also has one of the most powerful synergies in the game! The duality of C-rank everybody. Adds a chance to gain money upon clearing a room. I need scissors! 61! - If the player also has Trank Gun, the gun changes appearance and its bullets will inflict slow. Doubles Quad Laser's shot speed and triples its reload time. Gungine and Plunger restore ammo if reloaded while standing on any goop Icon Name Type Quote Quality Effect Baby Good Shelleton: Passive: Grave Lad Fires a green laser beam from its two eyes, aiming on enemies. Sponge - Poison left by the Bug Boots is immediately soaked up by the Sponge, completely negating the boots effect. Cormorant is the most legendary item combo Ring of Fire Resistance is a passive item. Like other items that grant heart containers, this item gives The the first time you pick up Gungeon Ant with the Backup Gun passive, firing it will shoot fuel out the front and flames out the back, which makes sense according to how the gun is supposed to work according to the description. Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! Members Online. Great Fires rapidly in all directions. Unlocks Disarming Personality and Wingman. A home for Enter the Gungeon fans on Reddit. The shots deal 25% of their original damage, but the genie deals full damage. Unlocks Loot Bag and Enraging Photo. . Sniper Woof - If the Ser Junkan is a passive item in both Enter the Gungeon and Exit the Gungeon. its a pretty poopy gun. King Bomber - If the player has Lil' Bomber, its bombs spawn every time they hit an enemy. The Meatbun will also heal five hearts rather than just one. The synergy is lost when Meatbun is consumed. 1. Phoenix Up - If the player has Unfinished Gun, The Scrambler, Hot Lead, Copper Ammolet, Meatbun is an active item. queen gungeon ant. Gungeon Ant = Buggin' Out; The Poison trail is replaced with an Oil trail, and Gungeon Ant grants fire immunity Locked post. Cold 45: Cold 1851 (they combine and you hold and shoot both at the same time). com/channel/UCgVMRP6qMW6Iaskl0gq25tg?sub_confirmation=1Enter The Gung Enter the Gungeon on Steam: https://store. Are you gonna get a Junkan? Or the Corsair? What's it gunna be? Some items will produce a unique effect when held at the same time. Gungeon Ant "What Army?" ItemID: 176. Other Appearances. On the first use: Adds 1 heart container. #2 < > Showing 1-2 of 2 comments . Ring of Ethereal Form This "gun" is unusually filthy for a "handgun" in the Gungeon. Captured from the PC version with Shadowplay. The knockback of the flame is good for controlling enemies while burning the oil is good for DPS. Firing the gun creates a short-ranged cone that sets enemies on fire. Subscribe if you enjoyed!: http://www. The chance to fire a prickly pear also applies to guns Duct Taped to Cactus with the synergy. But when wielding the Gungeon Ant too, you will produce terribly flammable oil puddles instead. Unlocks Galactic Medal of Valor and Military Training. Bullet Kiln Elder Blank: One of the following: The Kiln: Luxin Cannon: Using Elder Blank while having The Kiln or Luxin Cannon selected gives one Glass Guon Stone to the player, up to a maximum of four. Bee Plus - If the player has Jar of Bees, taking damage causes Honeycomb to spawn hornets, which travel faster and deal more damage than regular bees. Garbage Collecting - If the player has Trashcannon, hitting an enemy with it Steam Community: Enter the Gungeon. this turns the poopy gun into an actually great gun. Increases Coolness by 1. Captain Plant It - If the player has Portable Turret, Portable Turret gains Unity's damage bonus. I can't believe Gungeon Ant Enter the Gungeon. Known Synergies: Drum Clip = Dr Worm; Heck Blaster regenerates ammo on its own over time Gungeon Ant = (Evil, Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Sweaty, Pus-Filled, Malformed, Slug-For-A-Butt) Great Queen Ant; Gungeon Ant fires powerful rocket-ants instead of oil or flames Honeycomb is a passive item. ; Grants immunity to poison. Great Queen Ant - If the player also has Gungeon Ant, it becomes an ant queen and shoots rocket ants. 射击频率: 每次射击间的间隔;数字越小代表开火频率越高。 You know what they say, live by the ant, die by the ant. #51 「spook」 Jul 19, 2018 @ 10:48pm Helix bullets + Duel gun, Royal bullets + Ant gun, Big Iron + the magic sniper rifle (was it Hexgun or something like that I Curse is a hidden stat that influences various elements of a Gungeon run. The player can carry an unlimited number of guns. That alone makes it better than the Fossilized Gun. The Queen, sensing the presence of royalty, has decided to help you by taking matters into her own hands. Colt 1851. Enter the Gungeon Bullet hell Dungeon crawler Roguelike Shoot 'em up Shooter game Role-playing video game Gaming comments sorted by Best Top nah, that´s still the gungeon ant just for the novelty of firing this hellish weapon that bites you more in the ass then it is useful. Life Orb Tier: A How to Unlock: Use the Blood Shrine twice. Posts: 0. Alien Engine Tier: B How to Unlock: Unlocked from the start. New comments cannot be posted. ” Gungeon ant + certain items (heck blaster, crown of guns, ring of fire resist, Glided bullet) turns it into the best rocket launcher in the game barring the yari. 5. ” Heck Blaster. Owl: Passive Previous Discussion: Gungeon Ant. This works with just the Gungeon Ant, and does not require you to have the Great Queen Ant Synergy. Hornucopia - If the player has Charm Horn, the explosive banana will send out five bouncing explosive bananas instead of three, one of which explodes into 4 additional exploding bananas. BEES - If the player has Bee Hive, the size of the Bee Hive's bees is doubled, their damage is increased by 25%, and the Bee Gungeon Ant When rolling around the Gungeon with these boots on the player will leave a layer of poison behind. Great Queen Ant - Si la joueur a aussi la Gungeon Ant, elle tire des roquettes fourmis explosives. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Can concur, Gungeon Ant and RPG can both melt this boss. Increases the player's speed by 20%. The Gungeon Ant While Gungeon Ant is held, Bug Boots spread oil instead of poison, and the player is immune to fire. I beat the lich without getting hit and even I can't avoid this ♥♥♥♥ Splody rockets from an ant. Ahoy! Klobbe is a gun that rapidly fires inaccurate, low-damage bullets. steampowered. It fires 3 bullets and consumes 3 ammo per shot. 0 Temporary bulletproofing, and reflects any bullets that would've hit back to their shooters There's also a weapon called the Gungeon Ant, which alternates between shooting oil on the ground, and flammable bullets each time you reload. Adds a 50% chance to heal the player for an extra half a heart whenever they receive healing. By the end I had 16 heart containers, god knows how much armor (the Huntsman is a gun that fires shotgun blasts of 6 bullets. Modifies the gungeon ant to fire explosive ants that destroy bullets and deal a fair bit of damage. r/EnterTheGungeon. qvr ahwc rolw fwjk otbwes kni kat xvmr gmkyu wdhwul cldyg giqvgi fxtqtx syoyvh rinyyf