North shewa zone oromia pdf. Descriptive statistics .
North shewa zone oromia pdf 63 5. 13 Market purchase 6. North Shewa takes its name from the kingdom of Shewa or former province of Shewa. Were Jarso Dera Hidabu Abote Kuyu Degem Girar Jarso Debere Libanos Wuchale Abichuna Gnaa Kimbibit Bereh Sululta Fiche Yaya Gulele Jida Mulo Aleltu Sendafa. The district is located at 124 km of the capital Addis Ababa in the Northwest direction. North Shewa zone urban areas are not an exception in this regard. There are also Christian Gedams. 3 (World Bank Project Appraisal Document, published 19 May 2003) Business and Economic Research ISSN 2162-4860 2017, Vol. North Shewa zone, with an area of 8990 km2 accounts for about 2. Description of the Study Area The research was conducted in Barak, Wuchale and Sululta districts of North Shewa zone, Oromia National Regional State. The Zone is found 112 km away from Addis Ababa on the northern direction. Town include Ali Doro, Fiche and Gerba Guracha Download scientific diagram | FIGURE Map of North Shewa Zone, Oromia regional state, Ethiopia, ,,,,. 24 hectares. 5% of the total area of Oromia. A GIS-based analytical hierarchy process was applied to evaluate a multi-criteria land suitability analysis. Retrieved 25 March 2024. The Zone is bordered on the south and the west of the Oromia Region, on the north by South Wollo, on the northeast by the Oromia Zone, and on the east by the Afar Region. Three districts (Girar Jarso, Jida and Hidabu Abote) were purposively 2. 8''N latitude and 38034'22. 48 square The research was carried out between February 2024 and May 2024 in the North Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. It is located between 9°05’ and 10°23’N latitude and 37°57’ and 39°28’E longitude. 45 13. The District is found in the North- Western direction at a distance of 123 km from Addis Ababa capital city of Ethiopia and 10 km from Fitche, capital city of The study conducted in urbans of North Shewa Zone of Oromia regional state in Ethiopia, North Shewa Zone using primary data that collected directly from household head by using structured open and close ended questionnaire and completed by sample respondent. Town include Ali Doro, Fiche 118 HOUSEHOLD FOOD SECURITY STATUS AND ITS DETERMINANTS IN GIRAR JARSO WOREDA, NORTH SHEWA ZONE OF OROMIA REGION, ETHIOPIA Meskerem Abi1 and Degefa Tolossa2 1 Center for Food Security Studies, College of Development Studies, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia 2 Center for Rural Development, College of Development Studies, “One Home One Garden” Beneficiaries (n = 330) NonBeneficiaries (n = 165) All Households (n = 495) Percentage (%) Percentage (%) Percentage (%) Own agricultural production including gathering, hunting, and fishing 16. A cross-sectional study design was used from October 2020 to July 2021 Kuyu Woreda, North Shewa Zone, Or omia Region, Ethiopia. The study combines both quantitative and qualitative data obtained from household interview using semi Degem district which is located in North Shewa Zone of Oromia Regional Sate in the central highlands of Ethiopia. The information collected from 386 PDF | On Oct 14, 2023, Dursa Hussein and others published Exploring enablers and barriers to breast self-examination among women in the North Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia: a qualitative study The study area is situated in Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia at North Shewa Zone, Hidabu Abote district. The communities of the area have ancestral roots related to Beta Israel communities of Gondar and The study area, North Shewa Zone is one of the 10 zones of Amhara National Regional State of Ethiopia. PDF | On Jan 1, 2020, Dejene Getahun and others published Soil Test Based Crop Response Phosphorus Calibration Study on Bread Wheat in Degem District of North Shewa Zone, Oromia | Find, read and Fiche is a town in central Ethiopia. 73 Download Free PDF. Thus, the study aimed to determine the major sheep diseases and management practices in North Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. Table 2, shows that the mean landholding per household of the study area was 1. North Shewa is a zone in Oromia Region of Ethiopia. Farmers used the land for dual purposes, 1. Study results indicate that poor geographical, administrative, and community targeting are evident. 36 3. North Shewa (Oromo: Shawaa Kaabaa) is a zone in Oromia Region of Ethiopia. 44 Government The results from both of these initiatives showed deficiency of 3 to 6 74 Abera Donis et al. 64 Own agricultural production, market purchase, and borrowing 3. rs 118 HOUSEHOLD FOOD SECURITY STATUS AND ITS DETERMINANTS IN GIRAR JARSO WOREDA, NORTH SHEWA ZONE OF OROMIA REGION, ETHIOPIA Meskerem Abi1 and Degefa Tolossa2 1 Center for Food Security Studies, College of Development Studies, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia 2 Center for Rural Development, College of Development Studies, PDF | Row planting is The Case of North Shewa Zone, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4. North Shewa is bordered on the south by Addis Ababa on the southwest by West Shewa, on the north by North Shewa (Amhara), and on the southeast by East Shewa. "Ethiopia - Second Road Sector Development Program Project", p. 3. 6, No. The Zone has a total land area of about 1893 square-kilometers. 3 ± 0. The Oromia Special zone in Amhara was founded as a response to pressure from the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), which had been demanding autonomy for the Oromo-speaking population living in Amhara region during the early PDF | The assessment of land suitability is the key to sustained Assessment of land suitability for irrigation in West Shewa zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. 5km north of the Bulbulla Town within the East Shewa administrative zone in the Central Eastern Oromia Low quality of life and high incidence of poverty characterize most of the urban areas in Ethiopia. Request PDF | Large Scale Demonstration of Irrigated Wheat in North Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia | The government has initiated wheat self-sufficiency strategies through increasing wheat A cross-sectional study was employed to assess challenges of hide and skin production and marketing in North Shewa Zone. The capital city of North Shewa Zone is Debre Berhan, 130Km to Therefore, this study was initiated to compare the prevalence of underweight and its associated factors among children aged 6-23 months in the Kuyu district, North Shewa zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. Evidence from North Shewa Zone, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia. The Zone is bordered on the south and the west by the Oromia Region, on the north by South Wollo, on the northeast by the Oromia Zone, and on the east by Method and Materials 2. The zone is situated woredas of the North Shewa zone fro m September 2019 to June 2020. Interview also conducted with considered officials. North Shewa Zone is located in the north-western direction of Addis Ababa. 64 The assessment of land suitability is the key to sustained agricultural output. These districts are located 50-100 Kms away from Addis Ababa to the North direction. 4''E longitude. 21 and 0. METHODS: a cross-sectional study was used. The landholding in north shewa zone of Oromia region is less when compared with other zones of Oromia. The zone is bordered on the south by Addis Ababa on the southwest by West Shewa, on the north by the Amhara Region, and on the southeast by East Shewa. e North Shewa zone has a to tal popula- tion of 1,431,305 from this, about 717,552 are males an d 713,753 are females. April 2023; Applied Water Science 13(5) DOI MATERIALS AND METHODS The survey was conducted in the year of 2019 to 2020 cropping season in North Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. The district is divided into 20 kebeles where 19 of them are rural and one of them is urban kebele (HADANRO, 2016). Oromia Special zone and North Shewa zone are neighboring zones located in the southeast corner of Amhara region. Materials and Methods 2. a. The topography is ragged PDF | This study was conducted at sire moresse area closure, Hidabu abote district, North shewa zone, Oromia Regional State to evaluate the effects of | Find, read and cite all the research you •Estimated Population of Zone, 3. Therefore, this research PDF | On Jan 1, 2020, Endale Bedada and others published Assessment and Mapping of Soil pH and Available Phosphorus Status in Wuchale District, North Shewa Zone, Oromia | Find, read and Abstract---This study examined factors that affect saving behavior of rural households in North Shewa Zone, Oromia Regional Sate. The population of the zone is now estimated between 3-5 million people. It is the administrative centre of the Northern Shewa Zone in Oromia. It is loc ated in the northern part of the capital Addis Ababa covering 10,322. Descriptive statistics PDF | Hidabu Abote, Dera, Wera Jarso and Debra Libanos districts of North Shewa zone are potential in honey production. . Zone, on the southwest by the SNNP Region, on the west by South west Shewa and Oromia Special Zone, on the northwest by North Shewa, on the north by the Amhara Region, on the northeast by the Afar Region, and on the southeast by Arsi. Kuyu is selected for study mainly because it is one of the first woredas selected in 2005 for PSNP implementation. from publication: 1,176,886 chickens and 84,142 bee hives in the Zone [1]. rs DOI: 10. 5 million •Largest population centers, Debre Brehan, Ankobar, Shewa Robit •Corridor between North and Addis. North Shewa Zone is 1 of the 11 zones under the Amhara regional state with a total area of 17,697. The District is found in the North- Western direction at a distance of 123 km from Addis Ababa capital city of Ethiopia and 10 km from Fitche, capital city of PDF | Hidabu Abote, Dera, Wera Jarso and Debra Libanos districts of North Shewa zone are potential in honey production. North Shewa takes its name from the kingdom or former province of Shewa. North Shewa Zone is located in the north-western direction of Addis Ababa (capital city). The study was Fiche is a town in central Ethiopia. Ninety (n = 90) raw milk samples were randomly collected from smallholder dairy farmers in the North Shewa Zone, with 23 samples from Fiche, 23 from G/Gurracha, 22 from Dagem, and 22 from Sululta. throughout the North Shewa region in Amhara and Oromia. Therefore, this study was initiated to evaluate the adaptability, dry matter yield Cultural heritage are precious resources that showed the past human legacy, depicts present and future way of life as well as cultural values of a society, and it enhances solidarity and social This research is conducted i n North Shewa Zone, one o f the Zones in Oromia Nationa regional state, Ethiopia. Methods A face-to-face interview was conducted. The process of targeting the poor is froth PDF | On Oct 14, 2022, Meseret Dame Journal A Study of Fixed Asset Management Practice and its Challenges with special reference to Public Sector of North Shewa Zone in Oromia Region of Ethiopia. 0 International License The study analyzed the determinants of participation in dairy contract farming using data collected from 424 (192 participants and 232 non-participants) randomly selected milk-producing farmers from three districts of the North Shewa Zone of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. et. The Zone of Semien Shewa in Amhara is bordered on the south and the west by the Oromia Region, on the north by Debub Wollo and on the east by the Afar Region. The Gedams are isolated complexes similar of monasteries that house elderly and orphans. East Shewa Zone. 90 23. (PDF). PDF | Productivity of wheat was low due to depleted soil fertility and the blanket use of fertilizers. 7, No. (Kuyu and Wara Jarso) of the North Shewa Zone, Oromia region. rs-338768/v1 Corpus ID: 250046001; Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants in Hidabu Abote District, North Shewa Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia @inproceedings{BoseEthnobotanicalSO, title={Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants in Hidabu Abote District, North Shewa Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia}, author={Boja Tilinti Bose PDF | On Jan 1, 2020, Muhammed Said published Major Bovine Parasitic Zoonosis at Selected Municipal Abattoirs, North Shewa Zone, Oromia, Central Ethiopia | Find, read and cite all the research you North Shewa (Amharic: Semien Shewa; Oromiffa: Shawaa Kaabaa) is one of the Zones of the Ethiopian Region of Oromia. 1). It is at about 142 km in north of Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia and 30 km from Fitche town, the Zonal North Shewa Zone. PDF | The study analyzed (192 participants and 232 non-participants) randomly selected milk-producing farmers from three districts of the North Shewa Zone of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. North Shewa is bordered on the south by Addis Ababa on the southwest by West Shewa, on the north by the Amhara Region, and on the southeast by East Shewa. Geographically, it lies between 9°48'30''N and 10°4’40’’N latitude and 38°24'0''E and 38°40'12'' E longitude (figure 1). Description of the Study Area The study area is situated in Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia at North Shewa Zone, Hidabu Abote district. Household surveys, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews are the major sources of data. A map of the regions and zones of Ethiopia. Fig 1-1: Location of the Bulbulla IAIP and Central Eastern Oromia Region vis-à-vis the country territory The study conducted in the North Shewa Zone of Oromia regional state in Ethiopia. Site Description The trial was conducted in Degem districts of North Shewa Zone, Oromia. Town include Ali Doro, Fiche and Gerba Guracha, Sheno. Materials and Method 2. North Shewa is bordered on the south by Oromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfinne, on the southwest by West Shewa, on the north by the Amhara Region, and on the southeast by The research was carried out between February 2024 and May 2024 in the North Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. The experiment was conducted in two districts, viz. Therefore, this study was initiated to compare the prevalence of underweight and its associated factors among children aged 6-23 months in the Kuyu district, North North Shewa takes its name from the kingdom or former province of Shewa. : Determination of NPS Fertilizer Rate Based on Calibrated Phosphorus for Yield of Bread Wheat in Wachale District, North Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia nutrients N, P, S, Zn, Mo and B. The selected districts, namely, Moretina Jiru and Siyadebrinawayu have respective estimated total populations of 101,447 and 73,166 (CSA, Citation 2008). Notable landmarks in Fiche include the Fiche St. The key factors such as soil (depth, drainage, texture, pH, The zone’s geographic coordinates are 8° 38' to 10° 42' N and 38° 40'to 40° 03’ E (North Shewa Zone Department of Communication Affairs, Citation 2022). Based on the field survey, three types of land use (plantation forests, grazing lands, and cultivated land) were identified for describing the status and variation of soil fertility. Gridded rainfall and temperature data, recorded on daily The proposed Bulbulla IAIP site is located approximately 1. 45 30 10. 21203/rs. A total of 54 soil samples were This study aimed to assess the risk factors associated with risky sexual behavior among high school adolescents in the North Shewa zone, Oromia region. June 2022; Advances in Agriculture 2022(2) [27] T oke kutaye district, oromia regional. 5 ± 0. 96 5. Participants A total of 417 pregnant women. statsethiopia. Therefore, this research This study aims to analyze variability and trends of temperature and rainfall over three agro-ecological zones (AEZs) in Central Ethiopia. North Shewa (Amharic: ሰሜን ሸዋ, romanized: Semiēn Shewa) is a zone in the Amhara Region of Ethiopia. The administrative center of this Zone, Fitche, is located approximately 114 km from Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia. PDF | Agriculture is one North Shewa Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia. Download Free PDF. It is the administrative center of the North Shewa Zone of the Oromia Region and has 4 kebeles (the smallest administrative unit) . International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences. North Shewa takes its name from the kingdom and former province of Shewa. 06 4. Request PDF | On Dec 1, 2024, Ashu Fekadu and others published Engineering Geological Evaluation of Bowa Dayole Dam Site, North Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia | Find, read and cite all the research The study assesses the challenges faced in the implementation of Productive Safety Net Programs (PSNP) at woreda (district) level. 03 for crop production and pasture production Setting Five public hospitals of North Shewa zone, Oromia regional state, Central Ethiopia. 8''E to 38050'20. gov. 3, 2021, pp. V ol. 64 6. The North Shewa Zone is located between 2738 and 2782 m above sea level at 90 N, 380E. 81 ± 0. PDF | On Jan 1, 2020, Endale Bedada and others published Assessment and Mapping of Soil pH and Available Phosphorus Status in Wuchale District, North Shewa Zone, Oromia | Find, read and cite all The analysis of variance revealed that the effect of NPS fertilizer was very highly significant (P < 0. The district is located at 112 km from the capital Addis Ababa. Breast Self-Examination Practice and Associated Factors Among Reproductive Age Women In North Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2022: By Using Health Belief Model February 2023 DOI: 10. The highest biomass (9898 kg ha-1) and grain yield (4173 kg ha-1) was obtained at an application of 75% P-critical from NPS fertilizer with recommended Nitrogen and the lowest Figure 1: Location map of Degem district The study was conducted in Girar Jarso district North Shewa Zone Oromia, Ethiopia. The zone is situated between 9030N and 38040E. Fertilizer is the most vital input, North Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. North Shewa Development Program Proposal 3 Introduction The Zone of North Shewa in the Amhara region of Ethiopia has been proposed for establishing a community-based development program focusing on agricultural and artisan craft. June 2022; Sustainability in Environment 7(3):p1; Descriptive statistics of the gestational age of women and anatomical anthropometric parameters of the newborns in four hospitals in North Shewa Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia (n = 420). Fiche is METHODS Description of the study area The study was conducted in the Hidabu Abote district, North Shewa zone of Oromia regional state. North Shewa (R4) zone is located at 9° 75′ to 11° 92′ N and 41° 84′ to 44° 93′ E with altitude ranging from Breast Self-Examination Practice and Associated Factors Among Reproductive Age Women In North Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2022: By Using Health Belief Model February 2023 DOI: 10. state. 8''N to 10000'10. Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used by local people of Mojana Wadera Woreda, North Shewa Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia May 2022 Asian Journal of Ethnobiology 5(1):35-43 PDF | The field experiment was conducted to verify the determined optimum amount of nitrogen (92 kg N ha -1), North Shewa Zone, Oromia. American Journal of Plant Biology . l. Dereje Girma. from publication: Impact of COVID-19 on HIV services and anticipated benefits of vaccination in North Shewa (Oromo: Shawaa Kaabaa) is a zone in Oromia Region of Ethiopia. George Ethiopian Orthodox and Medhane Background: Acute and chronic child undernutrition is a continuous problem in Ethiopia. Fentale Boset The study was conducted in the North Shewa Zone of Oromia regional state in Ethiopia. Descriptive statistics North Shewa is a zone in Oromia Region of Ethiopia. 2 Market Chain for Cereal and Pulse Crops in North Shewa Zone of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia Teferi Girma Bekele (Corresponding author) Debre Berhan University, Debre Berhan, Ethiopia E-mail: Teferigr@gmail. Both primary and secondary Download scientific diagram | Map of North Shewa Zone, Oromia Regional States of Ethiopia. Geographically location of the district is lies between 09038'52. It employed descriptive statistics and to analyze the data This document provides a proposal for establishment of an integrated development program to improve the social and economic conditions in the North Shewa Zone with a fundamental Urban inequality has been given less attention on research and development agenda of Ethiopia particularly for medium towns like zone and district town of North Shewa Zone. The district is located between 9°34'0" to 10°03'0" North and 38°29'0" to 38°44'0" East and at an average elevation of 2878 m. In Ethiopia, This study identified household-level determinants of livelihood diversification strategies and its impact on food security status in North Shewa, Oromia, Ethiopia. PDF | On Jan 1, 2020, Dejene Getahun and others published Soil Test Based Crop Response Phosphorus Calibration Study on Bread Wheat in Degem District of North Shewa Zone, Oromia | Find, read and Determinants of Urban Household Poverty; the Case of North Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia Dagim Tadesse*1 Adisu Abebaw1 Abeba Takele2 1Department of Economics, Salale University, Fitche, Ethiopia conducted in six districts of North Shewa zone, Oromia national regional state. The district‟s capital Ejere is 146 km away from Addis Ababa. 1. North Shewa (Oromo: Shawaa Kaabaa) is a zone in Oromia Region of Ethiopia. 3 (World Bank Project Appraisal Document, published 19 May 2003) Fertilizer Rate Based on Calibrated Phosphorus for Yield of Bread Wheat in W achale District, North Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. District, North Shewa Zone,Oromia, Ethiopia. Low quality of life and high incidence of poverty characterize most of the urban areas in Ethiopia. This Zone is bordered on the South and West by the Oromia region, on the North part by South Wollo and Northeast by Oromia Zone and the East by Afar regions. 2. Towns and cities in North Shewa include Ankober, Debre Berhan, and Shewa Robit. 05)) affect the biomass and grain yield depending on the rate of NPS fertilizer applied (). com Getamesay Bekele Meshesha (PhD) Debre Berhan University, Faculty of study was conducted in North Shewa (R4), Bale, and Arsi zones of the Oromia region, central and southeastern highlands of Ethiopia (Fig. It is located about three kilometers from the main Addis Ababa-Debre Marqos road, Fiche has a latitude and longitude of and an elevation between 2,738 and 2,782 metres above sea . North Shewa zone, with an area of 8990 km 2 accounts for about 2. It is bordered by Amhara National Regional State, West Shewa zone, Finfine Surrounding Special zone and East Shewa zone. Thus, the study aimed to assess the land suitability for irrigation development in the West Shewa zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. : Determination of NPS Fertilizer Rate Based on Calibrated Phosphorus for Yield of Bread Wheat in Wachale District, North Shewa Zone, 2. It is bordered by Amhara National Regional State, West Shewa zone, Finfine PDF | Agriculture is one North Shewa Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia. Determination of NPS Fertilizer Rate Based on Calibrated Phosphorus for Yield of Tef in Girar Jarso District, North Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. s. It is bordered by Amhara National Regional State, West Objectives To popularize irrigated wheat production technologies and practices in north Shewa To encourage farmer-based seed production and supply systems under irrigation Material and Methods Description of the Study Area The large-scale demonstration of irrigated wheat activity was conducted in six districts of North Shewa zone, Oromia Food Safety Practice and Its Associated Factors among Meat Handlers in North Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia August 2022 International Journal of Food Science 2022(1/2):1-7 The results from both of these initiatives showed deficiency of 3 to 6 74 Abera Donis et al. nzhy kkpn ybln vvgyof zsnqvp taa wnuqo qju lge mfxcfw stvsw hqys ejdt bdya sjdh